We've only been back in 'normality' for a couple of weeks and we are off again!! Nothing happens for ages and then everything seems to happen at once..... We are heading back to the beautiful Isle of Rum for a week, I realised after reading back through this blog that actually we have never mentioned this little island on here, it completely got bypassed by the lack of writing blogs at the times we've been up and back again. I shall rectify this by bombarding you with lovely photos so you can all see how special it is!!
Looking out from the shore road |
Kinloch Castle - a tad eccentric for a little island! |
Washing up facilities on the campsite! |
The path to the Kabins from the shore |
This visit is not just a holiday but a week of meeting and talking to people we've already met and some new faces as well, hopefully getting some idea if a move there would be at all feasible....A lot of our friends and family have kind of known we've been trying to find a way and sometimes felt like banging our heads against a brick wall or just giving up but this is a last ditch attempt. I've made a deal with God (I know all you strict Christian types will be shaking your head and tutting right now) that I personally need to know this time if it's yes or no for definite, so He has the job of making it abundantly clear!! Either way it means we can move on instead of feeling like we are in limbo land.... we'll see......
ooh good luck!