Friday, 5 April 2013

Archery Girl

One of the advantages of Home Educating is the fact that we can have beautiful places all to ourselves on some days but also that we can join in with the crowds when we want to without feeling we have to cram everything in to holiday times. We've had some fantastic weather up here in the last week, although still bitterly cold with snow on the mountains, the sun has been lovely and warm and really makes you feel like venturing out again.

 Eilidh and I had a rare day all to ourselves and decided to take advantage of one of the Easter holiday archery sessions at Brockhole Visitor Centre and use our residents passes to have a trip on the Windermere Lake Cruises for part of our journey home. It's really nice to have some time one to one with the kids sometimes, although not always easy to do!

Brockhole Visitors Centre

Looking out over Lake Windermere, snowy mountains!

One of Eilidh's favourite places.....up a tree!

Beautiful sunshine = sparkly water!

Leaving Ambleside on the boat back.

Wherever we go the pencils come too!

Deep concentration! She loved every minute x

We had a great day and I'm thinking this archery lark may be costing us a bit of money in the future!


  1. Hi just found your blog and wanted to say hello.
    I read back to your post about Grizedale and it brought back fab memories, as a child we holidayed in the LD a lot and I last followed sometrails in grizedale when I was8 months pregnant with my 1st child nearly 13 years ago.
    This post has inspired me to visit this beautiful part of the country again soon.

    1. That's great! it's probably changed a lot since you were last here but it's still fantastic. We are very fortunate to live where we do and try to remember this with everything going on in life. Thanks for dropping by x
