Tuesday, 20 May 2014

We have a dream.....

We have a dream.... a dream which has been there for a long time now..... a dream which seems to be completely impossible at times...(The Big Dream) .... but it's still there. Over the last year or so we've had a vague possibility of this dream coming true, even just in part but every time we allow ourselves to visualise that dream in our heads the doors are pretty firmly shut in front of us. After all... we have no money, no savings, no house to sell or rent and two children growing older by the day...all pretty major issues which don't put us in the best possible place on face value!!  However we are practical people, and we could make this dream happen if only given the chance to do so.....

So... now, completely out of the blue, we've been given the very slightest glimmer of hope (maybe, possibly..) It would be a very big and very scary move completely out of my comfort zone but would also be a huge adventure.... but for now we are just waiting.... and although we have been kind of waiting for a long time, this time it feels incredibly frustrating!!

Whilst trying to organise my head yesterday (!), I was listening to a friend of a friend's podcasts on Untrapped Life  ..... really worth a listen if you have a dream, want something different for your life and maybe have all the doubts and fears that go along with that dream... One of them was talking about telling other people your dream, discussing it with friends, family etc if you feel you're hitting a roadblock. Now..I'm not the most talkative person, I tend to keep things to myself and find it so much easier to write than talk! This dream has always been kept a little bit quiet (at least from my side, Mr L is much more willing to tell everyone!!) maybe for fear of failure, of looking stupid, of people really not 'getting it' ..... my Home Ed friends are my greatest confidantes and have been our biggest encouragers and supporters..thank goodness for them x 

So... here I am telling you lot, if there's anyone reading this at all (!) If it happens we'll have lots of exciting adventures to write about on here, if not....... there maybe a few morose, feeling sorry for ourselves posts instead ;) ........      

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Reflections on Windermere....

The kids have just completed a four week 'course' with Windermere Reflections a local programme set up to increase the understanding of environmental issues in the Lake Windermere catchment area. Just one day per week they've learned all about the problems with Himalayan Balsom, how phosphates effect the lake and wildlife and how the area has changed over the years with less trees and more sheep causing erosion.....amongst many other things. They've made newsreels on Ipads,completed river surveys, made outdoor art Andy Goldsworthy style, created felt pictures and designed a cartoon strip for a possible book.... It's been a really interesting four weeks.

Interestingly one of the games they played was all about how we look after the environment at home or in our own lives generally and as the only Home Ed group they had run this for, we were the highest scoring group ever! Apparently the school groups generally scored much lower..... different types of families maybe? just a coincidence? or maybe a feeling of disconnection from what goes on around them at home as they are away in school so much? who knows....but I had a proud parent moment anyway!!


Monday, 12 May 2014

Ressurection of the Green Dream.....

Ok, it's been over a year snce the last blog, a lot has happened since then.....2013 was not a fantastic year in many ways but we are here ready to tentatively put our boots on and step forward.... watch this space..... !